
Showing posts from October, 2017

Different Dreamz

In the modern day it may be a bit more difficult to see the American Dream in action, as often when referring to the dream itself, people typically tend to speak about it in reference to the past, as if it has already came and gone. With this perspective, it seems as if the American Dream had more value and meaning in the past, during times when Americans needed something to hold on to. Yet, in 2017 we witness values of the American Dream, but not necessarily the dream itself in the same light as we would of in 1972. In USC Professor Walter R. Fisher’s “Reaffirmation and Subversion of the American Dream,” two American Dreams are focused upon, being a materialistic dream and a moralistic dream, both claimed to be central towards maintaining an overall dream in the country. The claims made within Fisher’s piece are relevant in modern times, specifically how materialism encourages self-centeredness and how moralistic values feed on our guilt. Materialistic values connote feelings...

American Values & What Not

The nation as a whole is composed of various ethnicities and cultures yet America has a distinct nature and connotation associated with its individuals. When referring to Americans, the first words that may come to mind are “individualistic,” or “self-centered,” which are both entirely accurate and a distinction that shouldn’t be frowned upon by fellow Americans as that is just simply what the country was raised with. We, as Americans, are inherently individualistic people, a characteristic that was simply meant to be. In Gary Athen’s chapter entitled "American Values and Assumptions," from American Ways: A Guide for Foreigners in the United States, different American values are elaborated upon and presented in such a way that explains American behavior. Specifically, Athens discusses values including individualism and time, both of which I can relate to my own life and realize how they have exerted influence. Athens presents individualism as his first value and goes i...